It's crazy to think that only a year ago we found out that we were pregnant. 10/20/09 to be exact. We wondered whether we were going to have a boy or girl, what he or she was going to look like, what he or she would be like, and how we would be as new parents. This past year has flown by and now Zander is already 5 months old!
Here are some stats from this past month:
* Weighs 14 pounds
* Can hold his own bottle. Even the big ones!
* Is sleeping through the night in his crib in his own room
* Rolls over
* Already teething. Those Merrill choppers
will be here soon
will be here soon
* Started grabbing for things. Not good when you are sitting down for dinner and he grabs your plate or drink
* Ticklish
* Ticklish
* Pulls hair, just ask Tristen and Ashlen
* Eats 5 ounces
* Likes to touch your face when you are talking to him
* Enjoys rice cereal and grabs the spoon while he's eating
* He is the happiest, most mellow, laid-back baby