Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bristol's Birthday & Baby Update

 Bristol Bear turned 1 and had a party over the weekend. We celebrated with a pool party and barbeque. Bristol wasn't shy when it came cake time and it was funny to watch her in action. She smashed her hands right into the cake and chowed down. 

Now that all the babies are 1, we wanted to take an updated picture. Here is Bristol, Zander, Alice, and Gabe. What a difference a year makes! The babies are all walking around, getting into mischief, starting to jibber jabber, and are learning to play together. Over this last year, the Clawsons and Kietas have moved and the Merinos are heading to Utah in a few months. The babies have sure changed all our lives and schedules, but we still manage to make time to hang out with our best friends. We are so glad to have them and to go through this stage of our lives at the same time.

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