Thursday, June 30, 2011

13 Months Old

So I am done with the white onesies and numbers, but I still want to document what is happening with Zander each month. He is getting so big and is really developing his little personality. I love it! Here is what is happening at 13 months.

Shakes his head "yes" or "no" when you say it. As you can guess, there has been a lot of "no" head shaking going on these days. * Likes to point at things. * Can't sit still at church. Only 5 more months until nursery! * Became a pro at walking. * Has started saying "mom" but it sounds more like a "mmm" sound. * Is getting better at feeding himself. When he doesn't like something, he'll spit it out of his mouth and either put it in his high chair or throw it on the floor. * Loves peas. * Has become really attached so he doesn't like when we leave the room without him. * Hating his bucket car seat. It's time to upgrade to a forward facing seat this month. * 2 more teeth have popped up so he has 8 total. * Waves hello and goodbye. * Gives open mouth, slobbery kisses. * Can open containers with plastic lids (like a Pringles can) with his teeth. He is so talented!*

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