Friday, November 30, 2012

Two Years + 6 Months

After I asked for a smile, I got this face.
* Chit chats all the time. I love to hear all the new things he says. * Still refuses to tell me when he has to go to the potty, but I can tell when he has to go. He'll hide in the corner or bend himself over a piece of furniture. Best visual this month was when we were at Chick-fil-a and he started bending over the chair and the playground equipment because he had to go #2. Needless to say, we quickly left. * Started saying "No Devin" instead of "No Daddy". * Has a new sitter. So far, he loves it. Lots of time spent outside playing with more kids his age. * Is obsessed with his cousin Tristen. Lately he'll ask to see TT when I pick him up from the sitter. When we arrive at our house, he'll start crying because we didn't go to her house. * Has selective hearing and only hears what he wants in a conversation. For example, eat some dinner and I'll give you a cookie. Cookie is the only thing he hears or We'll go see TT tomorrow. He only hears TT and is upset that we can't see her today. * Is a huge Taylor Swift fan. Loves the song We Are Never Getting Back Together. His new dancing technique includes lots of hand and face gestures. It's hilarious. * Super Why is his new favorite show. It's on PBS and features superheros that save the day through reading and spelling. * Has the most dramatic facial expressions. Love to see how it changes with his different emotions. * Love love loves to look at himself in the mirror, especially when he's doing different things like brushing his teeth and washing his hands. *  Interested in reading books. We've been reading the beginning Dr. Seuss books together and he's getting some new ones for Christmas. * Still fascinated about Halloween. Anytime he sees a fall wreath or a pumpkin, it's Halloween. *

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