Friday, December 7, 2012

High Five Friday

1. There are always fun events at work. Whether it's a potluck, cupcake war bake sale, or Halloween costume contest, we try to keep our small company culture intact. This week we had an ugly Christmas sweater contest. The ad ops team won in participation although my sweater did not win any prizes. I think my sweater was too cute and not ugly enough.

2. I had my follow up doctors appointment from my D&C on Monday. The doctor recommended that I start taking my prenatals and some extra vitamins each day. She would like us to wait for two months for my body to heal and regain strength before trying for another baby.

3.  I was sick for most of the week which was not fun. I worked from home on Tuesday so had my little helper, Zander, with me all day. While it was great to be at home in jammies, it is always easier to focus and get things done in the office. Thanks to lots of tissues and meds, somehow I made it through the week.

4. We went to my nephew Mason's end of semester dance recital. Since his brain injury banned him from playing sports, we joke that he still has dancing. He did an amazing job! We were lucky to see the special performance of the night - Clayton dancing Gangnam Style. I'm so proud of him getting in front of the large crowd. He had everyone cheering and got a standing ovation.

5. After 5 1/2 years, we finally got rid of our mattress. Some would say that it was extremely uncomfortable, but we've come to love (or perhaps accept) the dips in the mattress. Mom and Dad Merrill had a new pillow top one that was sitting in the garage of their new house. Since they stayed in our house (more importantly slept on our mattress) while we were in Florida in August, they insisted that we take it. It's so comfortable!

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