Sunday, December 30, 2012

Two Years + 7 Months

* Celebrated his 3rd Christmas. He's starting to understand the concepts of holiday. We talked a lot about the birth of Jesus. Anytime he saw a Christmas tree, wreath, or lights he would say "Christmas".  He even learned We Wish You A Merry Christmas. * One day he come over to me, put out his hand, and asked me to dance. It was so sweet. * Has this crazy obsession with finger nail tips. He's constantly want to rub mine which drives me crazy. * He's such a good napper and still naps for 2+ hours a day. Previously we would just let him fall asleep whenever, but now I actually put him in his room at nap time and close the door. If he cries at all it will be for a few minutes, but he'll normally just lie down and go to sleep. One Sunday after church, he actually jumped into bed himself for his nap. * Thanks to Tangled and Sophia the First, he thinks everyone who wears a dress or skirt is a princess. * Still loving Taylor Swift and will ask for the "Back Together" song every time we get in the car. He's performed it for lots of people now, including my office where he had 15 of my coworkers standing around him in amazement. He is currently learning the new T.Swift song "I Knew You Were Trouble". * Just call him Houdini. He's able to get his arms out of his car seat buckle. * Loves the little yellow monsters from Despicable Me. He watches the movie trailer to the new movie over and over and says it's funny every time. *

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