Thursday, May 30, 2013

3 Years Old

How can it be that my baby is 3 years old?  He still seems so little to me. It's only after I look at these pictures that I realize that he isn't my baby anymore. He is truly a big boy!

* When he doesn't know what something is he'll just point and say "this". When we tell him what it is, he'll repeat it and say "right". * Two seemed like such an easy year up until a few months ago. There has been lots of crying, tantrums, and back talking. I can already tell that three will be interesting. *  Potty training is a bust. He's afraid of the toilet and so against wearing undies. * Loves, loves, loves movies just like his dad. Current favorites includes Despicable Me and Monster's Inc. He's pumped for the sequels coming out this summer. * He's definitely going through a phase with food. Either he is super hungry and will eat a lot or he won't eat a thing. Meal time usually consists of crying, having a time out in his room, and then eating a tiny bit of food. When he does eat he likes apples, raisins, chicken, refried beans, corn, and french fries. * We surprisingly found out that his sitter takes every Wednesday off during the summer. Luckily we live close to family and Zander is able to spend the day with his Mimi. They go to the movies every week with his cousins where he is known to chow down on popcorn and be spoiled with Chick-fil-a afterwards. *

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