Monday, August 23, 2010

Devin's New Calling

Devin got a new calling at church on Sunday. He will be the new Assistant Deacon Quorums Advisor and Assistant Scout Leader. While he will miss all his kids in nursery, he is so excited to work with the youth in our ward. Kylie saw some of the deacons faces (including my nephew Mason) when they announced the change and they were pretty excited too. They probably think it will be PS3 and airsoft parties with their new fun leader, which will not be the case.  The new calling has a lot of responsibilities - mutual every Tuesday night, monthly over night campouts, trainings, and meetings - but Devin is up for the challenge. I know he will do great and the boys will love him. He has his first campout this weekend. I can't wait to hear how it goes!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh....what lucky scouts.....Devin will be so fun. Adam is jealous, he says that is his dream calling! lol!
