Monday, October 4, 2010

4 Months Old

My baby boy is 4 months old!  I am really enjoying this stage of babyhood. I still get to cuddle with my sweet baby. He smiles and laughs when we talk to him. He is starting to imitate actions and sounds we make.

At his 4 month appointment, Dr. Jones said Zander was doing great. He had a big jump from his 2 month to 4 month appointment on the growth chart. By his 6 month appointment, I think he'll finally catch up and be in the range of normal babies in height and weight.

Here are some stats from this past month:

* Weighs 11 lbs, 11 oz so he's gained 8 lbs since birth
* Height 23.5 inches
* Wants to stand and sit up
* Is sleeping through the night (Yea for us!)
* Knows how to wiggle out of his bath chair so he is laying down flat. Then he likes to kick his feet and move his arms like crazy.
* Loves Papas "a-goos". I really think it means something in baby talk since he instantly smiles and talks back to us.
* Enjoys being in the johnny jumper. We have it hanging in our bathroom so he is occupied and happy while we are getting ready. All we have to do is keep him swinging around
* Can turn over on his side
* Is constantly trying to eat his hands and anything else you put near his mouth
* Likes to watch the tv. Here are a few photos of our couch potato since I think they are hilarious


  1. Yah for my Little Z Man, or should I say my Big Z man. He is so gorgeous Lucy, you are doing so well with him. Love seeing the photos and the updates since I am not there to go through it. Once again you are doing such a great job being his mum. I am very proud of ya. Love ya all heaps. Nick
