Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Zander slept in his crib for the first time last night. I was a little apprehensive to put him in there. First of all - his room is at the front end of the house away from our room. What if he needed me in the night? Second - we don't have a baby monitor. How was I supposed to hear him cry? Third - I hate sleeping with my bedroom door open. I have visions of waking up to see someone standing over me or at my bedroom door, so I like it closed. I know...I am crazy! In the end, I knew I had to put him in his crib since he couldn't sleep in the pack and play in our room forever.

We all did great on his first night. He woke up crying two times because he couldn't find his pacifier. I slept with my door open and was able to hear him fine. Devin slept like a log and didn't hear the baby at all.

Before Bed

Waking up in the morning. Looks like he had a relaxing sleep.

1 comment:

  1. cute baby boy...he better watch out...Clayton is gonna want to start having sleepovers soon...I am sure he'll gladly jump in the crib with him :)
