Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2 Years Old

After our trip to Branson I was glad for a couple of extra days off to spend with Zander, especially since it was his 2nd birthday. We spent the day together getting ready for his little party, meeting Devin for lunch, and stopping at Toys R Us so he could pick out a gift. He is getting so big and I am constantly amazed by the things he does and says. I love his big personality and how he is still willing to cuddle with me. Here are some highlights from our Mr. Z this past month. 

* He is getting so tan with all our trips to the pool and lake. Definitely the Polynesian in him coming out. * Hates getting his hands dirty and immediately wants me to clean them off when they do get dirty. * When you ask him how old he is, he'll say two and then hold up 5 fingers. * Still not interested in the potty, but will point at me and say "eww" if he watches me go. * He has so many new words (phone, ipad) and is starting to put together sentences (i'm ok. see you later.). *  New obsessions include youtube and pandora radio. It's hard to resist giving him the phone when he bats those big brown eyes and says please. He is a master at accessing the Pandora app, finding his Yo Gabba Gabba station, and then skipping songs he doesn't like. * We noticed that when he walks, his feet turn inward slightly. Hopefully this will self correct as he gets older, but we will be talking with Dr. Jones about it during his two year appointment. * Went on his first airplane ride to Branson Missouri. * Fits size 18 month - 2 year shirts, but his short legs and small waist still call for 12 month pants and shorts. * We've been working on counting to 10, learning his ABCs, and recognizing animals and the sounds they make. * Favorite songs include Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO, Rain Dance Maggie by Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5. * Prefers to come down the stairs by piggy back. *

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