Sunday, January 2, 2011

7 Months Old

Weighs approx 16 lbs. * Sitting up by himself. * Likes to touch and eat his toes. * Has two teeth. * His hair is getting thicker. Papa says it looks like Zander is wearing a toupee. * Hates getting his nose and face wiped. * When sitting down, he moves his feet in a circular motion. * He still cuddles with us. * He is eating 3 meals a day. Tried meat for the first time and likes it. He is starting to hate vegetables so I have to sneak it in when I feed him. * Celebrated his first Christmas and got a ton of new books and toys. * Isn't crawling yet and gets really frustrated that he can't move over to you or grab that toy just out of reach. He can move left, right, and backwards so essentially can move himself in a big circle. 

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