* The threat of timeout or sitting on his bed can get him to quickly snap out of a tantrum. * He started doing this new thing where he puts his
hands up to his mouth and quietly says “I’m scared". He is deathly afraid
of the MGM lion that roars at the beginning of movies.* Likes to play with the earrings in my ear. * Will dance on the kitchen table thanks to his dad. Cute when it’s out of the blue. Not so cute when we are trying to eat dinner.* Getting better at swimming in the pool with his floaties on, which he tries to blow up himself. * Jamie’s watching him during the day again so he
gets to play with Lucy, Alice, and Maggie. He understands that Jamie’s
name is Jamie, but calls her mom. He did the same thing when
Aunty Megan and Aunty Kylie watched him. * Since we’ve been in the new house, he’s slept in our bed with us but we are starting to put him into his own bedroom at night. * For some reason he likes to watch toy reviews on youtube. He’ll also watch his favorite cartoons in different languages. It makes for interesting looks when we are at the grocery store and he plays the video on the phone way to loud. * His lower lip biting has gotten worse. He does
it all the time now. He sucks up that lower lip so tight that I can’t
pry it open.* 12 month clothes have officially been put away. * Whenever he falls down or bumps his head/arm/whatever, he reassures me that he's ok with an "I'm ok Mom." I guess that shows you that he is very accident prone. * I think he's the only one who understands Great Grandpa Reed's jibber jabber language. They will have full on conversations when they are together. * Wedges himself in the small space between our mattress and foot board. He then complains that he is stuck and needs help out. When we get him out, he'll get himself stuck again. *
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